Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[event] SlutWalk Singapore 2011 // 4th Dec 2011 @ Hong Lim Park

On 4th December 2011, Singapore will be having our very own SlutWalk. As you may have heard, SlutWalk started in Toronto in Feb 2011 as a response to a policeman's statement at a safety forum that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized." This sparked a backlash which resulted in SlutWalk groups forming all over the world to protest a culture that blames victims for rape, and to challenge the attitudes that come with that, attitudes which usually leave sexual crimes under-reported as a result.

This is not just a women’s issue or a men’s issue; it is everyone’s issue — regardless of gender identification, class, religion, race, or any other identity markers.

One does not need to identify as ‘slut’ to be a part of SlutWalk. SlutWalkSG is asking you to join them to make a unified statement about sexual assault and victims’ rights and to demand respect for all. You do not have to wear your sexuality on your sleeve; you do not have to "vamp it up" either. SlutWalk Singapore is asking you to COME AS YOU ARE — whether in t-shirt and jeans, in fishnets, in a sari, in a jacket, or in a tudung. No matter how you visually identify, they are welcoming ALL those who feel that prevailing attitudes as to why sexual assault happens need to change. Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are.

This will be a carnival-style event with speeches, performances, and booths, so anyone can attend.


Music: Johnny Eye Glass // Seyra // Jen Lin (DJ)

Performances: Muay Thai Demonstration by Vanessa Lee // Fire Dancers

Speeches: SlutWalk Organizers + more to be announced!

Booths: SlutWalk Merchandise booth // SlutWalk Logbook booth // Sexual Assault literature "library" // Drinkdings drinks booth // BackatMONKS // Eros Coaching // Maid By Me // Hello Stranger // Sayoni // Women's Muay Thai SG // AWARE Sexual Assault Befrienders Service (SABS) // Oogachaga

SlutWalk Singapore is proudly sponsored by these groups and organizations: Sayoni, The Patatas, Eros Coaching, Sheeps, Drinkdings, & BackatMONKS.

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